When I Took My Nieces to Magic Kingdom

Some events are once in a lifetime kind of things.

They are rights of passage that don’t come with do overs.

For me, just this week, I had the chance to take my nieces to Walt Disney World for the very first time.  With special permission from their parents, we planned the girl’s first trip to Magic Kingdom and as I write this article, they are still sleeping off the 13 hour adventure. Continue reading When I Took My Nieces to Magic Kingdom

9 Reasons to Take Your Time on Main Street

Most people are so excited to reach the Magic Kingdom that they don’t take nearly enough time to appreciate Main Street USA. This is the walkway leading you from the park entrance to the hub and spoke system right in front of Cinderella Castle.

Now it’s certainly understandable to be excited to be at the Magic Kingdom. There always seems to be so much to do and so little time that getting right to the rides, attractions, and shows is on the top of everyone’s mind.

Continue reading 9 Reasons to Take Your Time on Main Street

Understanding the Magical Express

When I first started going to Disney, I wish someone would have walked me through the Magical Express and given me some tips about making the most of it.

In a nutshell, Disney’s Magical Express will pick you up from the Orlando International Airport and take you to your Walt Disney World resort. Now if this sounds like a really great deal, then you’re absolutely right. It is! Continue reading Understanding the Magical Express